Web Art Movement

Diritto alla Rete

Monday, 13 July 2009

Accession to the appeal of the Network against the law to muzzle the Internet DDL alfano Italian.
On 14 July all gagged, on You Tube and in the square. A protest strongly against the gag the media that wants to put the DDL Alfano and the Net. A strong gesture. Concrete.
The idea works like this: Right to be sent to a network gagged your photos (warning: gag of cloth, piece of linen, etc., for all sync!).
Right to Network prepares a slideshow or video with English subtitles. All gagged in Italy, news that is likely to go around the world.
At the same time, Law Network is organizing a group of at least 100 people (Piazza Navona – 19 hours) all gagged and even then the document will with a video.